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Here is a small sample of the projects we support!

Orthodox Church of Guatemala

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It is a growing parish.

Orthodox Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Amatitlán Lake


Iconography class - prosopon school

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Residence for young male graduates of the Rafael Ayau Home


Young graduates of Hogar Rafael Ayau who are studying and working can apply to live here at Casa de Cultura y Misericordia Rafael Ayau.

"Universidad Olga y Manuel Ayau Cordón"

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"Universidad Olga y Manuel Ayau Cordón, -UOMAC- is a private, apolitical and non-profit institution based on the principles of freedom, truth, justice and harmony, which provides online university education.

Rafael Ayau Experimental School -CERA-

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Yuri Knorosov Center for Maya Studies


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CEMYK, aims to contribute to epigraphic, linguistic and historical research of pre-Columbian cultures. Our purpose is to rescue and disseminate our findings both in Guatemala and around the world.

Guate Edúcate

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Rethink Guatemalan education in search of a free and globally competitive society.

Official Urban Mixed School of Special Education

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The functions that are carried out in the School as an educational entity, are psycho-pedagogical functions, where we offer educational, psychological and pedagogical accompaniment

Our students receive therapies from:

  • Neuronet,

  • Gross motor skills,

  • Playful activity and more.

Sigue Avanzando Foundation


Sigue Avanzando is a foundation created with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with spinal cord injuries, as well as that of their families, through initiatives and programmes that promote the capacity to deal with them.

The Sigue Aganzando Foundation seeks to support people with spinal cord injuries in their process of reintegration into society to improve their quality of life, giving them support in 3 fundamental areas:

- Rehabilitation (physical and emotional)

- Accessibility

- Sports

Pre-Hospital Association of Guatemala


The Prehospital Association of Guatemala is a non-profit organization dedicated to continuing education in the area of emergency medicine, through workshops and courses for all personnel working in pre-hospital care in the country.


The courses are attended by personnel from the country's relief institutions, personnel who work in private sector health areas, and people who are interested in receiving the course or workshop.

Municipal Technical School -ETM-

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